And now that piracy is being contained in China, the video sites are on a new buying spree. 由于中国的盗版现象正受到遏制,各大视频网站开始了最新一轮的抢购风潮。
Billionaires have been on a real estate buying spree. 亿万富豪们掀起了一股购买房产的狂潮。
A decline in Chinese ports stocks and a late buying spree by steel mills restocking ahead of the peak summer demand period have been the key drivers of the recent recovery in iron ore prices. 中国港口库存的下滑、以及近期炼钢厂在夏季需求高峰期前大举买入的行为,是铁矿石价格近期复苏的主要推动因素。
Mexico has quietly purchased nearly 100 tonnes of gold bullion, as central banks embark on their biggest bullion buying spree in 40 years. 随着各国央行开始大手笔购入黄金,墨西哥低调买进了将近100吨黄金。这是各国央行40年来最大的金条采购风潮。
Part of the reason for the buying spree is because tech companies have massive cash piles on their balance sheets. 出现收购热潮的部分原因是科技公司手中积累了大量现金。
The Anglophile royal earned the nickname of the man who bought London after going on a buying spree in the city with his personal fortune and as head of the Qatar Investment Authority. 作为卡塔尔投资局局长,在伦敦用其私人财产疯购名作后,这位亲英派的酋长皇族成员获得了能买下伦敦的人的昵称。
CDB has also made numerous loans similar to the$ 30bn it extended to state-owned China National Petroleum Corp to help it with its buying spree of overseas energy resources. 国开行向国有的中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)提供了300亿美元贷款,帮助其大举收购海外能源资源。该行发放了无数此类贷款。
Chinese utility companies, including State Grid, have been on an overseas buying spree as they take advantage of asset sales in the west during a downturn in the global economy. 包括国家电网在内的一些中国公用事业企业,抓住全球经济下行期间西方出售资产之机,一直在海外进行大举收购。
Cash-rich Chinese companies are on a buying spree again, hoping to take advantage of low asset prices. 目前,现金充裕的中国公司再次掀起收购潮,希望利用资产价格低企的时机。
Mining executives believe that the Chinese buying spree is weakening due to surging hydroelectric power supply and higher domestic coal output. 矿业高管认为,中国购买潮消退,是因为其国内水力发电供应飙升和煤炭产量增长。
He then went on a buying spree abroad, chiefly in Eastern Europe. 之后他继续在海外进行收购浪潮,其主要目标为东欧。
He was away on a buying spree. 他出去狂购物了。
Chinese companies are on "a heavy buying spree", targeting historic Italian brands that have fallen victim to the 2008-09 recession, says Angelo Colombo, a writer for Nautica and superyacht magazines. 为《nautica》和《超级游艇》(superyacht)等杂志撰稿的安吉洛科隆波(angelocolombo)表示,中国公司正掀起一场“收购大潮”,目标是在2008-09年经济衰退中受创的意大利悠久品牌。
Record numbers of Chinese companies are looking for overseas acquisitions, according to results of a survey published yesterday which foreshadows a global buying spree with potential political repercussions. 日前公布的一项调查结果表明,正在寻求海外收购的中国企业数量达到创纪录水平。调查预计全球将掀起一股收购热潮,并可能引发潜在的政治反应。
The remarks triggered a buying spree for alternative reserve currencies, principally the euro. 吴晓灵的言论引发了对替代储备货币主要是欧元的疯狂买盘。
Chinese companies have been on a buying spree, snapping up mineral and hydrocarbons resources around the world. 中国企业近来在海外大举投资,忙着在世界各地收购矿产和油气资源。
The Walton Family Foundation gave the museum a$ 1.2 billion endowment and Ms Walton and the museum have been on something of a buying spree for several years. 沃尔顿家族捐助博物馆12亿美元,而沃尔顿女士和博物馆已经持续几年处于收购浪潮中。
The buying spree pushed the price of Brent crude oil, the global benchmark, to an intraday peak of$ 104.30 a barrel, the highest level since late September 2008. 此轮抢购将全球基准布伦特原油价格一度推高至每桶104.30美元的盘中高点,这是自2008年9月下旬以来的最高位。
Asia busy in arms buying spree. 中国周边的亚洲国家狂购武器。
Rice prices have moved to levels not seen since last year's so-called super-spike as a buying spree by the Philippines, the world's largest importer, tightens the market. 米价已经升至去年所谓“价格飙升”以来从未出现的水平。当时,世界最大的大米进口国菲律宾的疯狂抢购,令市场供应紧张。
The loss of the Golden Arches highlights the extent of Iceland's economic demise since the pre-crisis boom years when its Viking Raider entrepreneurs turned Reykjavik into an international finance centre and launched a buying spree of high-profile European assets. 失去金色M标志凸显出冰岛经济瘫痪的程度。在危机前的景气时期,有维京掠夺者之称的冰岛企业家将雷克雅未克变成了国际金融中心,并掀起了一股抢购引人瞩目的欧洲资产的狂潮。
Kirin has been on an overseas buying spree in recent years. 近些年来,麒麟一直在海外大举收购。
CIC has been on a buying spree since the beginning of the year and has changed the focus of its investments from its initial interest in financial sector assets to the natural resources needed to fuel China's economic growth. 自今年初以来,中投一直在忙于抢购,并已把投资焦点从最初对金融业资产的兴趣,转向推动中国经济增长所需的自然资源。
Remember Japan's bubble-era buying spree – the Rockefeller Center, the Van Gogh paintings – and the hostility that generated? 还记得日本泡沫时代的收购狂潮洛克菲勒中心、梵高画作以及由此引发的敌意吗?
Between unnaturally depressed interest rates and the buying spree by Fannie and Freddie, US property prices surged. 在低得不正常的利率水平和“两房”大肆收购的共同影响下,美国房地产价格大幅飙升。
In the 10 months since Lehman imploded, Chinese companies have gone on an unprecedented buying spree. 雷曼兄弟破产以后的10个月期间,中国公司掀起了一股规模空前的收购热潮。
But halting the dollar buying spree seems unlikely. 但是,要停止大量购买美元似乎不大可能。
Continuously rising gold prices have sparked a buying spree among individual investors throughout China this year. 持续上升的黄金价格引发了今年中国各地个人投资者的购买热。